Nobles County
The Nobles County website lists specific guidelines as to what materials are or are not recyclable in your area; please consult this list (as well as any materials you may have received from your county or recycling servicer) as you collect your recyclables. But remember, you can always recycle MORE than just what's collected! Reusable goods can be given to thrift stores or churches, food waste can be composted, some materials can be sent directly to remanufacturers... For tips on recycling MORE than what's normally collected, check out our mega list of what can be recycled and how.
Recycling Guidelines
Rural residents:
Deposit recyclables at any drop-off site. Paper, cardboard, hardcover books and magazines must be bundled separately or placed in brown paper bags.
City residents:
Place recyclables in your recycling container and deposit them at your curb. Paper, cardboard, hardcover books and magazines must be bundled separately or placed in brown paper bags. The green recycling container must be at the curb for pick-up service. Green recycling containers can be purchased at your local city hall at a cost of $6.00.
The following materials are accepted:
Clear, brown and green glass food/beverage containers are accepted. Empty and rinse. Remove caps and rings. Labels do not need to be removed. DO NOT INCLUDE: dishes; mirrors; window glass; broken glass; light bulbs.
Aluminum cans, pie tins, trays and tin food cans are accepted. Empty and rinse. Remove labels. Crushing cans is optional. DO NOT INCLUDE scrap metal.
Check for appropriate recycling symbols: plastics #1 through #7 can be recycled (pop bottles; milk jugs; detergent bottles; bleach bottles; butter, sour cream and dip containers; etc). Empty and rinse. Remove caps EXCEPT FOR oil containers: drain, then leave caps on. Labels do not have to be removed.
Keep all materials clean and dry.
-- Newspaper
-- Office paper: white, manila and pastel colored paper, computer paper, copy machine paper and envelopes
-- Cardboard: All unwaxed corrugated cardboard is accepted. Break down cardboard boxes flat, place neatly in brown paper bag or stack and tie into bundle. Place on top of recycling containers at curb.
-- Boxboard: cereal boxes, 12-pack beverage boxes, TV dinner boxes and other boxboard cartons are accepted.
-- Books: hardcover and softcover are accepted.
-- Magazines: bag or bundle separately.
-- Phone books: bag or bundle with newspapers. Resources
(Last updated June 12, 2010)