Cottonwood County
The Cottonwood County website lists specific guidelines as to what materials are or are not recyclable in your area; please consult this list (as well as any materials you may have received from your county or recycling servicer) as you collect your recyclables. But remember, you can always recycle MORE than just what's collected! Reusable goods can be given to thrift stores or churches, food waste can be composted, some materials can be sent directly to remanufacturers... For tips on recycling MORE than what's normally collected, check out our mega list of what can be recycled and how.
Recycling Guidelines
Any color plastic items that are marked with the recycling symbol #1 through #5. Rinse thoroughly. DO NOT INCLUDE: plastics marked #6 or #7; toys; styrofoam cups, dishes, meat trays or packing materials.
Clear, brown, and green glass that has contained a food or beverage are accepted. Rinse thoroughly. Do not break. DO NOT INCLUDE: dishes or drinking glasses; light bulbs; window glass; mirrors; ceramics; flower vases; casserole glass.
-- Aluminum: beverage cans, pie tins, trays, and clean aluminum foil. Rinse thoroughly.
-- Steel food cans: any food container or metal lid. Remove labels, flatten and rinse thoroughly.
-- Aerosol and paint cans: must be completely empty. Remove labels.
Newspaper, ad slicks, inserts and flyers are accepted. Place in paper bag or bundle and tie.
Glossy magazines, catalogs, glossy ads and papers, and phone books are accepted. Place materials in a paper bag or bundle and tie. DO NOT INCLUDE hardcover books.
Typing paper, junk mail, envelopes, church bulletins, greeting cards, copy paper, computer paper, notepad paper, adding machine tape and file folders are accepted. DO NOT INCLUDE bubbled-pack envelopes, wax-coated paper or carbon paper.
Corrugated cardboard only. Break down and flatten. Cut large pieces down to 4-foot squares or smaller. DO NOT INCLUDE: detergent boxes, waxed cardboard or beverage boxes.
Flattened Cereal boxes, cake mix boxes, chip boxes, cracker boxes, pop boxes (remove plastic bag insert) Resources
(Last updated June 9, 2014)