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Clearwater County

The Clearwater County website lists specific guidelines as to what materials are or are not recyclable in your area; please consult this list (as well as any materials you may have received from your county or recycling servicer) as you collect your recyclables. But remember, you can always recycle MORE than just what's collected! Reusable goods can be given to thrift stores or churches, food waste can be composted, some materials can be sent directly to remanufacturers... For tips on recycling MORE than what's normally collected, check out our mega list of what can be recycled and how.


Recycling Guidelines

Clearwater County operates two recycling drop-off sites, in Bagley and Clearbrook. Each site has two canisters. One canister is specifically for fiber products and the other is strictly for metal containers. The following materials are accepted:


  • Cardboard (should be flattened to conserve space)

  • Newspapers

  • Magazines

  • Office paper (shredded or whole)

DO NOT INCLUDE any fiber products used for packaging -- i.e. egg cartons, cereal boxes, toy packaging, milk cartons, etc.

Steel, aluminum, or tin cans only.

Plastic and glass are NOT collected. DO NOT INCLUDE milk cartons, soda bottles, automotive fluid containers, etc. Also no metal items other than cans -- no scrap metal, etc.

Household garbage is strictly prohibited.


(Last updated April 8, 2011)

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